Projects funded with grants from California Lions Foundation
Templeton Lions Club distribute gifts and games to families and children affected by childhood cancer. This California lions project was supported with a grant from the California Lions Foundation.
One of the areas where the monarch butterfly spends its winters in its long migration between northern Canada and Mexico is in Oxnard California. Lions clubs in California works together with a grant from the California Lions Foundation to construct a protective fence to protect the critical winter habitat needed to support the monarch butterflies.
Leos and Lions with the youth exchange program at the Lions Camps at Teresita Pines works together to distribute food to families staying with The Ronald McDonald House at Loma Linda, CA. This amazing project to help families in need while caring for their children was made possible with a grant from the California Lions Foundation.
West San Jose - Campbell Lions Club sponsored a Diabetes Education Project at Educational Options at the Fremont Union High School with a financial grant from the California Lions Foundation and City of Hope. Students cooked a diabetes healthy meal, learned from Diabetes educators, and went home with a bag full of ingredients to make the same meal for their families.
Visalia Pride Lions with a grant from the California Lions Foundation, were able to purchase $1000 worth of school supplies to support foster youth in Tulare County. Golden State Family Services, a Foster Family Association that services Tulare, Fresno and Madera counties provides backpacks and school supplies to kids every year so that they are equipped to participate in their school year.
Antioch Rivertown Veteran Lions Club purchased the Second Step Program materials for all the classes at Belshaw Elementary School (Kindergarten through Fifth Grade) with the $1,000 grant from the California Lions Foundation.
The Morro Bay Lions Club presented $1,000 worth of materials to the Del Mar Elementary School. The materials are to be used in the new computer lab on the campus. The check was presented to principal, Michael Wood by Lions club president, Chuck Stoll, and California Lions Foundation director, Dave Hubbard. Mr. Stoll said the Morro Bay Lions were excited to receive the funds from the foundation through a “Back to School Program” established to help schools get students back on track after a year of online teaching.
Using a grant from the California Lions Foundation the West Coast Indian Cyber Lions donated School supplies worth $1,000 to benefit 250 children at Terrabella Middle High School.
The Windsor Lions Club donated, packed and distributed food for the Windsor Service Alliance, thanks to a grant from California Lions Foundation and combined efforts from Safeway and Oliver's Market. It feels great to help those in need! Lions Lucille Hynes, Ted and Judy Barcelon, Shelly Perri, Jan Gobert, and Tracey Schafer participated distributing Saturday March 27.
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Supporting Lions programs throughout California.
Funding for the California Lions Foundation is provided by donations from corporate sponsors, individuals, Lions Clubs and local Lions. CLF provides a valuable vehicle for Lions clubs to approach California corporations and individuals actively seeking partnerships with service groups as part of their “Social Mission” and our “Social Conscious” campaigns. A great example is our Lions Eyes Across California Project. Individuals and corporations can be assured that 100% of their donations serve Californians through California Lions.