California Lions Foundation
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California Lions Foundation (CLF) provides matching grants from $500 up to $5,000 for use to help complete projects.

The California Lions Foundation (CLF) thanks your club or district in making application for a matching grant.  It demonstrates a commitment to serve others. Currently, the Foundation provides matching grants from $500 up to $5,000 to California Lions clubs and districts for humanitarian, vision, environmental, disaster relief, and other projects to better serve their communities. By completing the attached application, you acknowledge that the information you provide is true and the money will be used as presented in the application. All grant applications must be submitted through a Lions club or district. Partner organizations may not apply directly.

All approved grants, along with the applicant’s matching funds must be fully utilized and the project completed within one year from the time of approval by CLF.  A written report detailing the results of the project with accounting of the funds usage must be submitted to CLF upon completion of the project.  Any of the matching grant not used on the project as approved in the grant must be immediately returned to CLF. 

Please review the Grant Criteria below to assure that your grant request complies:

1. If a district is making application for a grant, it must indicate the number and names of the clubs involved.

2.   The CLF grant is not intended to be a gift to a third party, but a means by which the applicant can facilitate and improve in a meaningful way a project that has broad support from the applicant, including significant hands-on support in relation to the amount being requested.  Greater consideration will be given to community projects that have been ongoing for a number of years with demonstrated consistent hands-on support from the applicant. 

3.  In addition to Lion’s involvement and identity with the project, the applicant club or district must make significant contribution to the project.  At least 50% of the funds needed must be from local funds secured or provided by the Lions club or district submitting the application.  Proof of matching funds by the club or district are required upon submittal of the application.

4. The local matching funds may only be in the form of cash. In-kind donations, whether land, labor, or materials, will strengthen the proposal and should be highlighted in the project write up, but such in-kind support may not be included in the budget as part of the matching funds toward the grant. Additionally, local matching funds must represent cash available or pledged for the current project being proposed.

5. Grants shall not be made on a continuing basis to any single project. Projects or institutions receiving a grant must wait one year after submission of the final grant report before applying for another grant provided the grant has met its objective.

6. Funding for operating expenses may be included as part of a project budget and grant request, but only when such funds would be used to initiate or significantly expand the services of the project. The applicant must demonstrate how such operating expenses will be sustained once the grant funds are expended.

7. Each grant application is judged solely on its own merit and the degree to which it meets the criteria established by the foundation and its Board of Directors.   Matching grants $500 to $2,500 can be approved by the Executive Committee of CLF.  Matching grants greater than $2,500 to $5,000 require approval of the CLF Board.

8. Applications for grants must be submitted by the applicants using the Matching Grant Application Form (below). The application must be completed in its entirety in order to be accepted. The project budget must clearly itemize all project income sources and expense items; project income must equal expenses. Incomplete applications or proposals submitted in other formats will be ineligible.  If the grant includes the purchase of materials, supplies, or equipment, written estimates and cost breakdowns from the supplier/vendor are required with the application.


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9. Grant applications may be submitted by any California Lions club or district. Applications must be signed by the current district governor and CLF district director.

10. Grant proposals are to be made for projects being completed in the community where the club resides, in the district where the district is located, or in the multiple district.

11. The maximum amount that may be requested for a matching grant at this time is US $5,000 and the minimum amount that may be requested is US $500. The grant amount provided by CLF will be equal to or less than 50% of the project budget as requested on the application.  If approved, the grant funds shall not be disbursed until the required matching funds are collected, per the approved project budget. Funds collected using a designated grant application may be distributed once the grant has been approved. Matching funds are not required with a designated grant. 

12. A district may only have two grant applications and/or approved grants in process or open at any one time. 

13. Lions and/or their families should not receive direct or professional benefit or have proprietary interest in projects receiving grant assistance.

14. Approved grants are made payable to the appropriate Lions club and/or district. It is the responsibility of the CLF district director to provide guidance for the life of the project to ensure the funds are used in accordance with the grant application and the grant funds are properly accounted.  The project should be completed within one year.  Extensions may be considered on a case by case basis.  Failure to do so may result in the Lions club or district not receiving grants until the project(s) currently in progress are completed.

15. Within 45-days of completing the grant, the grant recipient(s) are responsible for submission of a grant closure report to include the following:

  • Detailed narrative of the project and number of people served.

  • Project cost breakdown of project income and expenses to include copies of receipts and supporting documentation for items purchased or cost incurred consistent with the approved budget.

  • Photos of work/activity and purchased items of the grant.

Lions clubs and/or districts failing to submit such a report for a completed project will not be eligible to receive additional grants.

16. Applications that are incomplete or require additional time for clarification of details will be returned to the submitter. Applicants failing to answer correspondence from the Foundation on their applications within 120 days will result in their application being subject to withdrawal. Resubmission may be required. Such applications may be resubmitted only if they have been revised to address the reasons for denial/withdrawal.

17. Applicants have 6 months from the date of approval to collect and secure their local funding. Funds will not be released until the local matching funding is collected and readily available for the implementation of the project.

18. After sufficient consultation with the applicant, the Foundation retains the authority to rescind grants that are either not initiated or not making sufficient progress within the prescribed timeframe. Any disbursed funds that are not adequately documented shall be returned to the foundation if the grant is rescinded.

19. For the grant request to be considered, the applicant must provide complete answers to each question and request for information on the Matching Grant Application Form.  That form, plus any supporting documentation (e.g. cost breakdowns, proof of matching funds, etc.), must then be submitted by email to

If you have any questions, please contact your district Foundation director. We hope that your project will be meaningful to the population you are trying to serve.

You can download the files below:

Matching Grant Application Form

Cost Breakdown Spreadsheet template

Closure Cost Breakdown Spreadsheet template

Questions about the grant application? Please contact us.



California Lions Foundation
c/o David Hebebrand
20231 Valley Blvd. Suite E
Tehachapi CA 93561

Phone: 559-359-3087